Aetna visual identity

When CVS and Aetna became one company, we saw a change starting to happen with our brand. I had the unique opportunity to conceptualize how the CVS Heart would be represented in all commercial Aetna materials. After multiple rounds of concepting, presenting to team members, CDs and CMOs, the execution seen here was the one we rolled out globally to a staff of 50k and a multi-million member base. PS it was my execution.

Aetna is member obsessed, so the reasoning to keep the heart interwoven behind the member is to show that we’re here to support you in your health journey. After gaining approval on heart execution, the real fun began. I was tasked with creating our visual ID guidelines… that are in excess of 80 pages. A lot of these rules were already written and pieces were taken directly from CVS, but the whole art direction was all me.

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